Executive Presence for Sales Pitches


I recently did a podcast with an Innovation Communication consultant, Susan Lindner. Her super power is helping people take complicated and novel ideas and communicate them clearly and more importantly, compellingly. If I was ever to have pitch meetings to get investors, it would be invaluable to get guidance from her.

The Truth

A common insight you hear related to Shark Tank-like meetings is that the buyers, be they Venture Capitalists, Fortune 500 companies, or your own bosses, are buying the person, not just the idea. A pitch is a promise. And the promise is being made by the person pitching, not the product.

The Shift

Whenever you need to pitch something, be it an idea, a product, or a company, you are more likely to fail if you lack Executive Presence. I'm not talking about your style or your resemblance to a CEO. I'm talking about being able to convince others that you can lead the idea, product, or company to success.

As you prepare, consider:

What are the obvious challenges with the strategy and how would a great leader address them at this point in time?

For the non-obvious challenges (or the Black Swans), how would a great leader handle a question they didn't see coming?

What feelings would a leader with Executive Presence evoke in the audience and how will I evoke them?

How would someone with Executive Presence both start and finish the presentation? What will be my very first and very last words?

If you do this, you will give yourself a much better chance at making the sale. Never underestimate your importance, and the importance of your Executive Presence in any business interaction.

Remember, your Executive Presence sets the ceiling of your success.

Learn more


This article was adapted from the new leadership book, Unlock Your Executive Presence: Feel like a Boss. Find it here, along with other books from the Unlock Your Leadership series.

Joe Kwon, the Connection Counselor is a leadership coach and keynote speaker who helps elevate careers by unlocking the ability to better connect with yourself and others.

Contact him if you'd like his help.

To find out more and to access free leadership videos, podcasts, and guides, go to www.connectioncounselor.com.