39.0 Why It Works: Susan Lindner on Innovation Communication


Ever had an innovative idea, but no one really seemed to get it? Do you ever wonder why sometimes it seems like you and the audience are speaking different languages? Would better communication of your ideas enhance your business, relationships, and career?

In today's episode of "Why It Works," Susan Lindner reveals some of the hidden mechanisms behind why Innovation Communication works. We explore what it means for the listener to be the hero, the role of story and vulnerability in communication, and what the Billie Jean video can teach us about effective communication.

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Cultural Anthropologist. Brand Marketer. Disruptor. Susan got her start as an AIDS educator in the brothels of Thailand, helping turn prostitutes into entrepreneurs. Today, she's the founder of Emerging Media, a branding, PR and marketing agency dedicated to helping tech founders reach their finish lines. Her award-winning strategies have gotten 10 companies acquired, and she is now hell bent on sharing them with the world. Susan speaks to startups, innovators, and top executives from 60+ countries at GE, PWC, Deutsche Bank, Capital One and at global conferences, consulates and trade organizations about strategic storytelling, mastering the message and the media for maximum impact.

Find out more:


Talk to Susan:

Free 30 minutes innovation storytelling discovery with Susan




Collage Art, by Shelly Brown

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Unlock Your Charisma

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Unlock Your Charisma shows you how to be heard, be valued, and be chosen. Pick up your copy in the Apple or Amazon store and never be ignored, overlooked, or unappreciated again.

Also, Unlock Your Charisma is available now as an audibook on Audible.com. Narrated by the author.

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Get your copy here


Unlock Your Executive Presence

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Do you enjoy being loyal, adding value, and getting great feedback, only to see others get the promotion you deserve? Have you ever had the guts to ask your boss what it takes to get to the next level, only to be met with vague, unhelpful suggestions? Ever had the nagging feeling that your leaders don’t really understand why they are promoting certain people and leaving others behind?

In his second book, Unlock Your Executive Presence, the Connection Counselor Joe Kwon reveals how you can have all the right stuff, but without Executive Presence you will still be denied the chance to move up the ladder.

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For you, the listeners of WHY IT WORKS, I have a BIG favor to ask.

Join Team 100!

Our mission is to get 100 Amazon reviews in 100 days. To help, if you don’t want to pay the $2.99 introductory price:

A) Email me in the next 3 days at joe@connectioncounselor.com; and

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With your help I know we can do it. Thank you!



Opening features the song "Morning" by Cambo Smith, available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial License.

Promo features the song “Corporate Business" by scottholmesmusic.com.

Closing book promo features the song “Suicide express for 2 Pianos" by Bladiator, licensed under a Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Closing features the song "Siesta" by Jahzzar under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.