What is the Executive Presence Advantage and Why Should You Care?

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Growing up the only books I loved as much or more than dinosaur books were books about mythology. Greek and Roman, Korean, German, and especially King Arthur - I just couldn't get enough.

As a child I loved the adventure and imagination of the stories. As an adult, the deeper meaning and function of myths started to fascinate me, as well. There is no better source for this than the work of Joseph Campbell. It even served to inspire George Lucas as he developed the Star Wars mythology. The best part is Joseph Campbell recorded a series of interviews on PBS where he masterfully shares his insights. If you love mythology and haven't watched this, yet, stop reading and watch it now.

I'll wait . . .

Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth

In this beloved 1988 PBS series, mythologist and storyteller Joseph Campbell joins Bill Moyers to explore what enduring myths can tell us about our lives. In each of six episodes, Moyers and Campbell focus on a character or theme found in cultural and religious mythologies. Campbell argues that these timeless archetypes continue to have a powerful influence on the choices we make and the ways we live. Released shortly after Campbell’s death on October 30, 1987, The Power of Myth was one of the most popular TV series in the history of public television, and continues to inspire new audiences.(1988)

The Myth

Okay, great, you're back! Amazing, right? Mythology has various functions and one function that is relevant to the topic of Executive Presence is the sociological function.

“I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am.”

~Thomas Cooley

This function is about reinforcing and maintaining a certain social order. Myths help to bind people to a certain social group. So much so that we participate in the myth and let it define us. A similar dynamic can occur with our beliefs about other things, including the elusive and mysterious power of Executive Presence.

The myth of Executive Presence is simple.

Executive Presence does not matter unless you are in position of leadership.

Wrong. Just so, so wrong and downright damaging to your career. It's right up there with "the only thing you need to succeed is hard work." Just to be clear, I believed both of these myths for the majority of my life, so I'm no genius.

The Shift

When you realize the Executive Presence myth is just that, a myth - amazing things begin to unfold. You can now see the true form of Executive Presence and how it is generated.

"Executive Presence is the ability to inspire confidence that you can lead well in a given situation."

This ability is for helpful to everyone and can be held by anyone - not just executives. It's important to note that Executive Presence requires more than just the ability to inspire confidence or lead well in a given situation. You need both. Most importantly, both must be felt and perceived by others. You may be wondering,

"I still don't see why I would need Executive Presence if I'm not in a position of leadership. What benefit could it possibly have for me?"

The answer to this question is also revealed once we go beyond the myth and look at the truth of Executive Presence and the power it bestows. Imagine there are several crossroads or intersections you will come to in your career. The tricky part is you may not even realize you are at one. Others with the power to stop you, keep you where you are, or propel you forward will have moments where they need someone to lead.

Usually, you are not the only person they are considering. There are other candidates. Some are more qualified than you and others are less. Unbelievably, that's not the point and not what matters from a "getting the opportunity" perspective.

What matters is when you are at an intersection with competing traffic, the people in control of the “Career Opportunity Stoplight” decide who to give the green light. When you have Executive Presence, meaning people perceive you as someone who can lead, this gives you the edge. This is the Executive Presence Advantage.

No matter what you do, or where you sit in the pecking order, Executive Presence is something that will help you fulfill your full potential.

Remember, your Executive Presence sets the ceiling of your success.

Learn more

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This article was adapted from the new leadership book, Unlock Your Executive Presence: Feel like a Boss. Find it here, along with other books from the Unlock Your Leadership series.

Joe Kwon, the Connection Counselor is a leadership coach and keynote speaker who helps elevate careers by unlocking the ability to better connect with yourself and others.

Contact him if you'd like his help.

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