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You've Been Using a Can Opener the Wrong Way!

You know when you've been doing a thing one way your whole life, not even realizing there may be another way? And you know when you realize that the way you were doing it may not even be the best or right way?

Disclaimer: I haven't verified that this is definitely true, but watching this video had me gobsmacked and re-evaluating some of my life choices. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but this is almost as amazing to me as the time I realized I had been tying my shoes incorrectly my whole life, as detailed here.

Watch the video. You be the the judge!

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.

Smile in 60 Seconds - Phil's moves

Rough week?

They say videos of cute puppies or kittens helps and I totally believe this. Smiling and laughter are very effective, too.

As for me, a funny commercial always puts a smile on my face. Hope this gives you a smile and a laugh, all in under 60 seconds.


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Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.

Improve your Touch ID

Have you ever been annoyed when your Touch ID is not working? This might happen if your hands are wet or the sensor is dirty.

I tried this hack and it seems to have improved my results. You basically scan the same fingerprint multiple times as different fingers. If you don't know how to set up your Touch ID or would like a refresher, here are the instructions from the newly minted Trillion dollar company that is Apple.

I'm not sure if it is the placebo effect, but it seems to work better than before.

Give it whirl and let me know what you think!

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.